Pregnancy, Pilates, Practice

A letter from Gabrielle Saran, founder of Saran Pilates

At currently 26 weeks pregnant, I can honestly say, I have never EVER been more grateful for Pilates.

Not only has Pilates helped me cope with the stresses caused by the pandemic, but it has helped my body adapt to pregnancy, guiding me to a more peaceful mind and body. I say this not as self-praise, but as a way to convince anyone questioning the benefits gained from a regular Pilates practice.

These past months, both mat and Reformer Pilates has helped me to:

  • Stay fit (strong and limber) while performing pregnancy-safe, low-impact exercises

  • Keep my energy levels up

  • Reduce lower back pain (common pregnancy symptom)

  • Continue to improve my posture

  • Prepare for labor and postpartum recovery

  • Focus on the present moment and clear my mind

That’s a pretty long list of benefits! As a Pilates instructor, of course I’m going to say that Pilates is the best form of exercise you can do…but I honestly believe it to be true! Not only will a regular practice get you toned, more flexible, and REALLY strong from within, but you may actually witness little pains and tensions in the body melt away. That’s because Pilates focuses on proper muscle engagement (learning which muscles to use for a move instead of over-compensating with the wrong muscles), as well as ideal alignment, which together is the perfect recipe to cure poor habitual body mechanics. Poor body mechanics is the culprit for most of these little pains and tensions, which is why a lot of physical therapists prescribe Pilates to their clients.

The pandemic has made going to the gym and studios a little more tricky, but there are still lots of online options for you guys! I offer FREE workouts on my YouTube channel for both mat and Reformer. I encourage you to make Pilates a habitual part of your life - do it for you, and your future self.
