In short, everyone! Pilates uses low-impact techniques and offers a solution to individuals across the spectrum of mobility and fitness.

Workers or Busy Bees
Maybe your work is physically challenging, or perhaps you’re often at your desk, in both of these cases the body takes a toll. Working the muscles that need to be strengthened, and stretching the ones that need to be released is crucial to heal and avoid pain and muscular imbalances.

Pre and Postpartum Moms
Pilates helps pre and postpartum women in so many ways! It helps limit back pain and other aches, prep for childbirth, and facilitates postpartum recovery. In Pilates, there is a heavy focus on the Pelvic Floor, and it’s never too late to start connecting to those muscles!

The Reformer is an ideal piece of equipment to work on when you have certain limitations. People with knee, hip, shoulder and back issues have had incredible results through Pilates. In fact, many physical therapists now work with a Reformer in client sessions.

Want to enhance your athletic performance? Pilates has been proven to help so many professional (and recreational) athletes. From helping to improve a golf swing to protecting the body from injuries that repetitive movements can create, Pilates works wonders for on and off the field.

Similar to the athlete, the musician needs to stay strong and mobile for their craft. Musicians need to focus on posture and core strength to counteract the effects playing an instrument can have on the body.

Staying strong and limber as we age is as important as when we’re young – if not more so! Pilates helps strengthen muscles around joints, improves balance and posture, increases flexibility and helps improve bone density.